Massage and Chiropractic

The Many Benefits Of Regular Massage

Everyone knows that getting a massage is an indulgent, relaxing experience – but actually, massage has a lot of important health benefits that aren’t as widely recognized. In fact, a regular massage can be a valuable part of a therapy program to treat a variety of ailments ranging from chronic pain to anxiety and depression. As more and more research uncovers the many ways massage therapy can boost overall health and wellness, more and more people are choosing to use this as an alternative to pharmaceuticals and other medical treatments.

Physical touch has proven to provide tons of health benefits, and when combined with the therapeutic movements and techniques of massage, this is a powerful tool to combat many uncomfortable and unpleasant health concerns. Enjoy the benefits of massage therapy by incorporating it into your own treatment plan.

Massage relieves pain

Whether you suffer from sciatica, fibromyalgia, headaches, or just an injury, massage can help manage your pain, allowing you to avoid using addictive prescription painkillers that can often come with unpleasant side effects of their own.

This natural method of providing pain relief is one of the main reasons people have started turning to massage as a form of therapy. While it is still unknown how massage impacts this pain response, the stress reduction and reduced local inflammation that massage can provide are thought to help lessen pain reactions.

Massage improves mobility

Anyone with stiff joints or arthritis knows how difficult it can be to get around sometimes, and even something as simple as holding a pen can be excruciating. However, regular massage will not only help provide pain relief, but actually works to improve joint mobility in itself.

Massage treatments for joint mobilization involve applying slow, consistent movements to any restricted joints, using a controlled range of motion. Usually, this will also involve stretching after the massage, to encourage further movement and help protect the joints from further injury.

Massage stimulates circulation

Regular massage therapy works to provide pressure that can actually push blood through areas of congestion within the body, promoting a healthier circulatory system. This means patients will feel less fatigue and achiness, and will enjoy warmer extremities. Healthy circulation will also provide muscles with the oxygenated blood that helps them heal and repair themselves.

This can help lower blood pressure and improve overall body function, leading to an increased feeling of wellness and even a better mood. Poor circulation can contribute to a number of health problems, including stroke, heart attack, eye disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and even dementia. You can help lower your risk of developing these conditions by receiving regular massage therapy.

Massage encourages lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic fluid is used by the body to purge unwanted toxins and other cellular debris, but can often become clogged and sluggish. If your lymphatic system isn’t functioning efficiently, it can result in a weakened immune system, congestion, and fatigue. Massage therapy can help correct this issue, and can address concerns like cellulite, stretch marks, heaviness in the limbs, swollen ankles, glandular issues, and after an operation or other types of trauma.

Even if you don’t suffer from lymphatic drainage issues, regular massage can be used to keep this system functioning efficiently and effectively. This will prevent blockages from forming and help ensure your continued health and well-being.

Massage relaxes tense muscles

Perhaps the most common benefit of massage therapy is that it can help treat sore, tight muscles. If you’re an active person, you know how discouraging it can be to feel stiffness in your muscles after a good workout, but there are many other causes of muscle stiffness, including tissue scarring, muscle tearing, and misalignment of the spine.

Massage therapy involves locating trigger points, the source of the muscle tightness and associated pain, and uses deep pressure to encourage it to relax. This can not only help your muscles feel better, but can promote relaxation throughout your body – even calming your mind.

There are many different types of massages, and each one provides different kinds of benefits – no matter which style of massage you suits you best, you’ll be able to enjoy a deeper feeling of relaxation while managing your stress, pain, and other symptoms. However, if massage doesn’t help relieve chronic symptoms, you may need to seek the advice of a health care professional to address the underlying cause.


About the author

Article by Sam Socorro, a guest writer from Clearwells. Sam is a specialist writer and has extensive knowledge in everything related to steam showers, saunas and hydrotherapy benefits.

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